BAR BEACH Second Edition NSW Australia
$25.00 AUD - $180.00 AUD
Please do not order FRAMED works in A1 or A2 if you live outside of NSW Australia (they cannot be delivered safely).
Part of the Bathers Way Collection:
The suburb of Bar Beach is one of the most popular beach side areas in Newcastle. People from all across Newcastle enjoy its great views while walking the Bather's Way which runs from Merewether to the Nobbys.
Work contains: (from left to right, top to bottom)
Bar Beach Bowling Club, 74 Memorial Dr, 12 Parkway Ave, 68 Memorial Dr
9 Fenton Ave, Hang Glider, Empire Park, Cooks Hill SLSC, Swell Kiosk, ANZAC Walk, Bar Beach, Bottlenose Dolphin.